Customer obsession

Customer experience is the modern version of marketing. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll tell you why customer obsession is everything we do as real estate agents, and how to create a customer experience that satisfies their unmet, unidentified and unsatisfied needs.

I’ll tell you how a great customer experience drives word of mouth marketing and increases your value proposition. We’ll examine why the customer’s information gathering stage is important to you as an agent. And I’ll define client enablement and show you how it works.

We’ll look at how the world has changed and what you need to plan for as the market moves forward into 2021. I’ll talk about fast consumers, our media and social media driven market, and why we had a real estate boom during the pandemic.

Now more than ever before you need to understand and embrace customer obsession, and make sure you deliver on a high customer experience standard. Coach your team on the challenges your customers go through and how to serve the customer in more powerful ways.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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