Cross selling and sold

As an agent in a declining market, you have an amazing opportunity to boost the confidence of buyers and sellers. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to do cross selling and sold in a way that sets you up for your next sale.

Most agents are in a rush to put up the sold sticker, and they have no plan for what happens after. I’ll tell you what great agents do before they affix that sold sticker, so they can shift buyers from one campaign to the next, and cross sell another property.

It’s doing the work in the moment that makes the difference in your overall success. I’ll explain why you want to call each buyer instead of blasting the sale through email and SMS. Building buyer confidence and relationships are the way you sell more properties.

Your job is to communicate with people in powerful ways. Cross sell and sold is the process that takes you further than just the sale itself. Those leftover buyers probably still want to buy a home. Don’t miss that opportunity to get to sold over and over again.

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