Peak performance

You know the state, the feeling, the moment. It’s in the middle of an auction when you’ve got multiple bidders; it’s at the listing presentation on the best home of your career; it’s you on the phones, generating appointment after appointment. You have incredible focus; you cut out the distractions and do great work.

Now comes the question: What do we do to get into the performance zone? How long can we stay there? And is it sustainable?

Thriving in the era of chaos

We live in an era of chaos (with worldwide Government intervention), filled with the language of uncertainty (we’re not sure, we can’t rule out, we might, which promotes anxiety of the future), waves of drama (micro issues that flair up to in-the-street protests and fade in minutes), sugar money (everyone’s become rich all of a sudden), low work ethic (what happened to all the workers?), rapid inflation (your money doesn’t buy what it used to) and inflated asset prices (cars, boats, watches, motorbikes, real estate). So what happens next?

The energy crisis – and what to do next

This is a bold new era that demands new leadership. We’re in the middle of the biggest human energy crisis I’ve ever seen, with media that’s designed to shock and awe, social media driving insecurities and division, and an Information Age that’s flush with misinformation. This article will provide a bold new path to a much bigger future.