Getting back the Rhythm

If you want to be an incredible agent you’ve got to do what great agents do. It’s all about getting back the rhythm, and I’ll start off my Coaching Tip this week with an overview of the things that allow you to play at your best.

When I look at my best days I see that I’ve made human progress, and that makes me feel good about my work. When I break that day down further I find out why everything worked out so well for me, and I’ll share those elements with you.

We’ll talk about setting intention and why that’s necessary for turning your business around. The number one thing you’ve got to do is to reset your routine and redefine what success is. I’ll guide you through some of the ways you can do that.

I’ll share the story of a client in our 30-Day Intense Program who committed to doing a call session every day, and at the end of it he achieved the most listings he’d ever had. The key is getting back the rhythm through routine and clarity, and that’s what I’ll show you today.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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