2020 Listings Now

What is your vision for listings in your January and February campaigns? I’m telling you why and how to start your 2020 listings now in this week’s Coaching Tip. First I’ll tell you about some fundamental changes in the Australian marketplace you need to know.

There’s a new first-time owners deposit scheme that will have 10,000 new buyers coming into the marketplace and you need to know what you should do as an agent. I’ll explain what’s going to happen and how you can be ready.

I’ll give you a simple exercise to get you thinking about what you have now at the end of 2019 and what you want to do to start off on the right foot in 2020. I’ll also give you some dialogue to use for winning an exclusive agency agreement.

Next, I’ll tell you what to do with the underbidders from your last auctions in November and December and how to prepare your 2020 listings now to bring those buyers through those homes during December and January. Finally, I’ll give you my predictions for what should be your busiest and most productive days going into the new year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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