Working together

As a business leader, you need to foster great relationships with everyone you work with. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month we’re talking about working together with your people to define how these relationships are going to function.

There are 4 great fill-in-the-blank questions I love to use in this conversation. Those are, “You get the best out of me when ___”, “You get the worst out of me when ___”, “You can count on me to ___”, and “I need you to ___”.

These workplace relationships are both emotional and logical. The logical relationship management piece allows you to determine how your organisation produces the best work, what causes the worst behaviour, what each person can be counted on to do, and what your people need from you to perform at their very best.

The greatest leaders teach others how to best use time and energy to achieve the mission of the business. Getting right with working together fundamentally changes the way you work with everyone and allows you to have highly productive relationships.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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