Winning in Listing

It’s that moment when you find out you’ve lost the listing that you want to know why the vendor went with someone else. My Coaching Tip this week is about winning in listing by focusing instead on why other vendors are using you.

I’ll give you dialogue for calling vendors who have worked with you successfully in the past and asking them why they chose to work with you. This is the most valuable feedback you can use to help you with your next listing presentation.

The thing that can make you truly great inside your business is to learn what people love about you so you can play to that strength. The ability to drive emotion will make you seriously powerful in your presentations.

Do consider any negative feedback you get if it’s real, but for winning in listing pay more attention to the positive feedback you receive. Know where you succeed and learn to adapt the pitch. Tell your story with energy and passion, and you will win the business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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