Why you lose listings

The number one reason why you lose listings is because you fail to find out about the customer and their situation. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you stop telling the customer what you want them to know and learn to listen to what they need you to tell them.

You need to have a clear opener for your listing presentation that sets the scene for the customer to feel comfortable in deciding to use you. I’ll also explain the ‘your situation’ section, where you find out what they need to know and how you can help.

I’ll talk about game changing questions, visuals that show your skills and capabilities as an agent, using trial closes, summarising the end of the presentation with clear confirmation around all agreements, and what’s next if they don’t sign.

After you leave the home, there are more steps to take, and I’ll walk you through those. You need to know why you lose listings and what you can do to really get yourself back in the game. I’ll also show you how you can list a property in under four questions.

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