What do great real estate agents do?

You want to be a great agent, but what do great real estate agents do? I’ve got some surprising answers for you in this Coaching Tip, beginning with the number one thing you want to do: Get in front of people who need to make decisions.

So much of our industry is dealing with distractions and worries that are out of our control. I’m telling you that every market makes a market, and it’s bringing buyers and sellers together that makes things happen.

Ultimately people have to have something they want. Your job is to find out what that is and help them get it. I’ll tell you how to do that through positioning, and by using your numbers to give you empowerment.

What great real estate agents do is stay focused on their game and always play at their best. I’ll show you how to stay consistent, and we’ll look at ending some behaviours that might be holding you back so you can learn to play the game in new and powerful ways.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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