Ultimate pitching

The listing presentation is your chance to shine, and to show the customer exactly what you can do for them in a way they’ll understand. This is ultimate pitching, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you how to find out what they want and help them get it.

You need to know the things the customer wants before you can address them. I’ll list those things and explain how to showcase your ability to deliver on them. The secret is to meet their unmet, unidentified, unsatisfied needs, and make it easy for them to use you.

We’ll look at how we do the same thing in property management. I’ll explain how to show that you’re different from the competition and put your best foot forward. And I’ll give you some simple effective dialogue to get the information you need.

Ultimate pitching also means pitching differently to specific types of clients. I’ll illustrate pitching to landlords’ specific needs, and keeping your presentation short by directly addressing what the customer really wants in a way that they’ll choose you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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