The Age of Customer

We are in the age of the customer. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll help you to understand those unique customer journeys and show them that your services will enable them to get to the outcomes they want.

When you put the customer at the centre of your customer service model it rapidly changes your service delivery model. I’ll show you what that looks like and help you define what it is you’re delivering so that your customer experience becomes a major lead generator.

What’s good for the customer is good for us, but for too long we’ve put the industry and our competitors at the centre of everything we do. I’ll show you how to differentiate yourself by developing considerable customer advantages that they’ll be happy to pay for.

I’ll also tell you how to get quality feedback from past clients that will help you improve your pitch. The age of the customer is about how customers make decisions, and how you can help them make better decisions beginning with using you as their agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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