Teach, Test, Train

As a sales manager, owner, or principal, your job is to provide a platform that guarantees success for your people. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how to teach, test, train fundamental skills to accomplish that goal.

When you teach your people how to list they learn to tell the story of what your business does for the client. Ultimately they will provide the level of service needed to deliver on the promise made at the listing presentation.

Teaching, testing and training your people means teaching them the basic idea, then testing them around what you need them to do, and then retraining those skills until they get it right. A great agent will spend the time required to learn those skills.

I’ll tell you how to test around listing skills, and outline the points to look at as they run through their presentation. After you test you’ll know where to retrain. And I’ll show you how teach, test, train leads to higher levels of growth within your team and your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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