Fast Pace Ep 48 – Meeting rhythms for business success

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at why they set meeting rhythms for business success. They outline types of meetings, initiatives to address, and flexibility in scheduling. They note making sure the meeting is productive, that you’re working on the right things, and only essential people are in the room. And they advise explaining your core meeting rhythm and its importance to new people coming into your business.

Ep 310 – Making the perfect call

Today’s podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on making the perfect call by identifying your problem areas, keeping calls quick and productive, why speed, time and volume are important, and ways to build confidence and improve your delivery.

Ep 273 – Rethinking customer experience

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss rethinking customer experience, running and working your database, how to use the search function, which customer details you need to enter, and how not to waste time reviewing notes when you should be making calls.

Ep 233 – New Market Mindset

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on looking to the future in our current crisis by accepting the way things are, building a resilient mindset, seizing opportunities, adapting to challenges, and actually growing your business now.