Mastering Negotiation

You’ll never get the very best price the market will pay by presenting solo offers to your vendors. My Coaching Tip this week is about mastering negotiation, and I’ll start with demonstrating when an offer is clearly out in front. As you start into a negotiation you’ll often find your vendor is locked at a […]

How to get more done each quarter

Getting your people engaged is most important, and in this Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’ll show you how to set five key initiatives, make sure your team is clear on them, and stay on track with them to significantly drive your business forward.

Ep 179 – Being a Leader Inside of Your Team

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss being a leader inside of your team. Josh starts with reasons you need to build soft human skills, and Alex offers his tips on running a great team and leading from the top.

Why you need a leadership vision

The bigger the dream, the more important the team. As a leader, you want to create a leader, leader model. Most businesses are leader-follower, where everyone in the business has to seek permission, or even worse they are given autonomy, but then undermined in the decisions made. Once that happens you’ll never have trust, and the ability for others to lead is lost.