Ep 345 – Trusted advisor (re-price, re-market, re-auction)

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about becoming a trusted advisor, working with owners who need to re-price, re-market and re-auction their homes, gaining their trust, keeping them informed and explaining market conditions that affect pricing.

Ep 328 – Repricing

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on repricing, getting the price guide right, market influences on pricing, giving vendors options, quality buyer matching, and working hard to sell the property so the vendor knows it must be repriced.

Ep 313 – Working buyers from other campaigns

In this week’s podcast with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips, we discuss the importance of great buyer work, including: Why you need a new pool of buyers post a price reduction, the skill of cross-selling buyers from other campaigns, how buyers seek out properties where price and value meet and the real value of a […]