Ep 193 – The Case for Lifting Fees

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the case for lifting fees, thinking about fee proposition, importance of negotiation skills and ability to get results, with illustrations of critical aspects of the science and psychology of selling.

Logical vs Emotional Management

You’re either working emotionally or logically and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll explain logical vs. emotional management to help you move towards a logical approach to help your clients make better decisions and ultimately get them to Sold.

Ep 180 – New Trends for 2019

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips offering their observations of new trends for 2019. Alex outlines his best practices for marketing and sharing information in the industry, Josh weighs in on why some agents don’t disclose their pricing, and they agree that making more information available through promotions […]