Fast Pace Ep 53 – Sticking to core

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at training protocols and initiatives. They discuss short term tactics and long term planning, fundamental core skills vs. current trends, training your brand’s USPs, skills qualification, and skills specific to categories and experience.

Fast Pace Ep 48 – Meeting rhythms for business success

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at why they set meeting rhythms for business success. They outline types of meetings, initiatives to address, and flexibility in scheduling. They note making sure the meeting is productive, that you’re working on the right things, and only essential people are in the room. And they advise explaining your core meeting rhythm and its importance to new people coming into your business.

Fast Pace Ep 46 – Motivating your team

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan with insights for business leaders around motivating your team. They talk about knowing when your team is lagging, initiatives that can get them back on track, understanding what drives motivation, helping individuals with their specific challenges and creating a supportive environment.