Strategies for 2015

It’s the beginning of a new year and that means it’s time to set your strategic direction for building your business over the next 12 months. Knowing what is really important from the start will help you stay on track with whatever happens in 2015. A great place to start planning is with the Big […]

Getting Over Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty and Financial Pressure

In your daily business you will encounter many distractions that threaten to put you off track. The worst of these are based in fear, doubt, uncertainty and financial pressure. The good news is, all of that is completely under your control. Taking control of distractions does not mean you will never face them, but that […]

What To Do If You’re Starting Out

Click here to watch on YouTube. If you’re just starting out, welcome to real estate. If you’ve been here awhile, try to remember how you felt when you were new to the business so you can lend a hand. Following are a few core ideas and insights to help you get going in the right […]


Click here to watch on YouTube. Every business has its own culture, including yours. This culture is shaped by the people who work for you, but you ultimately define whether your business runs on positive or negative energy. First you need to determine what your current business culture is like. Notice how people enter the […]

Ready for rapid growth?

Click here to watch on YouTube. Of course you want your business to grow—but are you prepared for that growth? Now and always, you need to be thinking well beyond your current status toward the success you want to have, because if you are not prepared when it comes it will bury you. What would […]

Getting clear on what you want

Click here to watch on YouTube. Making significant changes in your business often begins with improving your life in general. Most important is having the confidence that comes from knowing exactly what you want out of life. Once you can define that for yourself, everything else—including your business–can fall into place for you. There are […]

End of Financial Year Planning

The end of your financial year is a good time to re-evaluate your budget, think about your numbers and decide how to pursue growth in the next year. There are three areas where increasing your performance will make a tremendous difference in your profits. Those key initiatives are: Increasing your fees Increasing your average sale […]

Make Mobile Technology Work for You

Mobile technology has added a whole new dimension to your ability to do business effectively, but it also introduces the problem of distractions. Besides incoming phone calls, we also receive constant alerts for incoming SMS, email, and social media messages. Within this barrage of messages is important information you need to know, but the distraction […]