Fast Pace Ep 44 – Maximising the value of a business

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about maximising the salable value of a business and how to increase that value over time. They note factors that make a sales business valuable and how to measure that value, why understanding your balance sheet is so important, the emerging trend of subscription services companies and service-level contracts, and how a business’ people and culture figure into salable value.

Fast Pace Ep 43 – The value in big data

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the value in big data, and how to use it to open up new markets and play a larger game. They talk about data lakes, data driven decisions for the future, customer touchpoints and integrating your CRM, how data can create a more human connection, ways to use AI, combining the digital and real world experience and investing in people who can make those connections. 

Fast Pace Ep 42 – Managing for high performance

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on managing for high performance – what it is and how to manage for it. They look at types of performance and discuss how to challenge and measure high performers, understand their individual needs and outline some special requirements for managing high performance people, whilst supporting the development and lifecycle of each individual.