Routine Mastery

To be in the game and perform well, you have to master the routine. In this week’s Coaching Tip we’re looking at routine mastery, which is one of the six essential components of the real estate flywheel that drives our industry.

As an individual agent, you have to really think about what you’re doing every day to set yourself up for success. Just doing one call session per day is a half-million-dollar decision. I’ll give you the basic formula for doing that, step by step.

Get on track by setting a directions meeting at the start of every business day. Then at 3pm in the afternoon have a loopback meeting to review what’s happened during the day and set up resources for the next day. And great agents also keep task lists for everything.

Consistently doing these four things will set you up for routine mastery. Beyond that, put hardline appointments for fitness, nutrition, sleep and energy in your calendar. And have a daily list at the top of your calendar for everything that needs to happen that day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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