Reward and Recognition

When you’re growing your team, renewing and retaining your talent is key. One of the best ways to do that is through reward and recognition, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how it works and why it’s important.

Too often we focus on the things that go wrong, but we rarely applaud the effort when things go right. I’ll show you ways to reward your people beyond financial benefits, and point out some moments that should be celebrated.

We know that one customer served well leads us to the next customer. It’s good to reward the people who are working more powerfully with customers and giving them the best experience possible because that’s what produces a much better quality outcome.

I’ll show you how to put the customer at the centre of everything you do, and to know who your customers are – internally and externally. Reward and recognition of those internal customers is part of delivering on your promise to help them develop their career. It’s good for them and for your organisation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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