Ep 183 – How To Drive Sales Team Performance

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on how to drive sales team performance. Josh begins with the importance of doing the little things well, and Alex shares some basics of team performance that yield big results. They discuss how key measurements show where adjustments need to be made and why that’s important to set goals. Alex describes how milestones help motivate newer team members, and what he does to build momentum with those who are lagging in performance.

Alex tells how he gets himself back on track quickly and maintains balance in his life and work, and Josh adds insights around the motivation gained from recognition for doing well, which results in great energy and productive relationships.

Mastering Negotiation

You’ll never get the very best price the market will pay by presenting solo offers to your vendors. My Coaching Tip this week is about mastering negotiation, and I’ll start with demonstrating when an offer is clearly out in front.

As you start into a negotiation you’ll often find your vendor is locked at a price point they want to sell at. You may have their best buyer at a slightly lower price, but you’ve got to have more than one offer to clearly demonstrate the best offer to the vendor.

I’ll illustrate these concepts with some actual case studies and show you how these agents were able to help their vendors make better decisions around selling their homes for the best price possible. And these are methods you can use with your own clients.

When an offer is only presented in isolation the owners can’t know if it’s actually the best offer, so when you take an offer forward you must also have other offers to clearly show that this is the standout money. Your vendors need to see that this buyer is prepared to pay substantially more than the next two.

When you move people into logistics is where you really begin mastering negotiation. Learn these new negotiation tactics and you’ll get your vendors excited because they can see how things are actually going to happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

How to get more done each quarter

As a business leader getting your people engaged is one of the most important things you must do. In this Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’ll show you how to get more done each quarter by focusing on initiatives that will drive your business forward.

We’ll look at quarterly themes beginning with an example set of five key initiatives to pursue in one quarter. You’ll learn the importance of reinforcing those initiatives in every meeting and how to do that effectively.

I’ll explain why you’ll also have private meetings with each team member to clarify those initiatives and why they’re important to the business. You’ll then have each one score themselves on how well they’re going, and I’ll outline how that scoring system works.

The challenge is that too many confusing messages are circulated inside of your organisation and no one really knows what they’re supposed to do. Getting clear on your quarterly themes and five key initiatives is how you’ll get more done each quarter.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 182 – Pre-Auction Offers With Only One Buyer

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss pre-auction offers with only one buyer. Alex advises on getting both buyer and vendor together on price and making sure the buyer is mentally and financially prepared. They discuss advising and progressing the buyer to the point of making the pre-offer. Alex also notes the advantages of knowing who the buyer’s solicitor is and tells how to work with them on negotiating the best price.

Josh notes post-auction strategies, and Alex emphasises keeping the vendor’s motivation high throughout the process. Josh then explains why it’s the opening hours post auction that offer the greatest opportunity to bring the deal together.

Scripts and Dialogues

People can tell if a conversation is fake, and my Coaching Tip this week is about using scripts and dialogues naturally. What really makes this work is confidence in using your own words to get where you need to be.

The real challenge is the critical path to shortcutting the conversation by asking the best quality questions. You also need to be able to anticipate the questions the client is going to ask you. Your delivery within the first 15 seconds can make a call successful – or not.

It’s easy to get caught up in unnecessary talk, so I’ll show you how to avoid those pitfalls and get really clear about the key outcomes you’re trying to achieve. You’ll also learn why the last 10% of the conversation is where you make your money by getting commitments.

Follow-through is also critical. Never leave a call without being clear about your next steps. Write that down in your diary as an item to go and do. Regardless of market conditions, the best agents aim to get three appointments every day. If you do that you will see results.

What’s important is not to rely too much on actual scripts and dialogues. Be precise with your language, but be yourself. Focus on what you’re doing for the customer, ask better questions, and book those appointments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 181 – How to Sell in a Slowing Market

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on how to sell in a slowing market. Alex begins with ways to get a buyer to make an offer and explains why mental preparation to buy is more important than financial. Josh offers examples of working through the logistics of a sale before getting to price, and Alex adds the advantage of having finance solicitors and other key suppliers that you can refer buyers to.

They discuss how you create a great buyer, Alex describes how he prepares a buyer for the sale, and Josh summarises the elements of making the deal including conversations with the client, logistics of the transaction, clarifying next steps, and having a clear timeline.

Lead Generation

A great agent needs to know what their top four lead sources are. Lead generation is everything in business, and in my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you the essential business processes you must get right to generate your leads.

The best agents understand their primary lead sources. First is your personal network, which includes all the people you already know who own property in your marketplace, including all your phone and social media contacts.

Buyer work is your next critical lead source as it relates to all of your interactions, from online inquiries to face to face conversions. Next is your relationships with past clients, and then we look at landlords, who own both rental and residential properties.

Also consider the agents who retire, retrench, or move on from their current role. They leave all their past clients behind and that’s a too-often missed opportunity to pick up those existing relationships and move forward with them.

Social proof is another lead source, as letting the neighbours know when a property is listed or sold breeds more listings. And last is your community involvement, which means knowing where your customers hang out and putting yourself into those places.

The key to lead generation is looking at all those potential lead sources and defining what your own top four are. Focus on doing just those four over and over, really invest in those relationships, and you’ll have an incredible business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 180 – New Trends for 2019

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips offering their observations of new trends for 2019. Alex outlines his best practices for marketing and sharing information in the industry, Josh weighs in on why some agents don’t disclose their pricing, and they agree that making more information available through promotions and marketing helps buyers make better decisions.

They discuss the necessity for agents to have quality market knowledge, how sharing great sales results and improving pricing knowledge benefits everyone in the database including customers, and they compare this year’s transition into historically high sales.

How You Start the Day Matters

It’s the way you start that determines what happens, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you that how you start the day matters to your productivity, your momentum, and to achieving what you want to get done by the end of every day.

Routines are a powerful tool to set you up for success, and I’ll outline some of my own routines for you, from when I wake up to when I make those first phone calls of the day. This helps you build momentum for your productivity for the rest of the day.

The best agents put first things first, and I’ll explain the Three Things exercise that helps me make every day incredible. You’ll also see how setting a theme for each day of the week sets you up for success by making sure all the little things get done.

The reality is that how you start the day matters, and if you can get that first morning phone call session done it leads to the next, and soon you’ve got a fully booked afternoon.

Get intentional, don’t procrastinate, and don’t let fear prevent you from reaching your full potential. Start the day by picking up the phone and making that first call. Just taking action will change your thinking and emotions, and allow you to hit success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

David Smith

Welcome to The Black & White Interviews, a Josh Phegan initiative to showcase the top agents we work within Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. Our next Black & White interview series will feature David Smith of Highland Property Group.

  • Total number of sales in a year = 61
  • Works with a team of three
  • Core market is Cronulla & Caringbah
  • David has the highest GCI at Highland Property Group
  • Started his real estate career in 2009
  • 75% Auction vs Private Sale
  • Advice for new agents: Be modest, be a student of your market and target area and above all focus only on what is best for client your working for
  • Overcoming challenges: Patience, modesty and being aware of how lucky I am to have these opportunities

We wanted the opportunity to showcase the top agents we get to work with and share their secrets and insights of how they have become exceptional agents in their marketplace and made their way to the top. Each month we will feature a new agent. The full-length version of these interviews will be available exclusively to Josh Phegan Members, giving you a great opportunity to learn and grow from the top agents and their strategies for becoming million dollar agents.

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