Master that routine

No matter where you’re working right now, the number one thing is to master that routine. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how routine sets you free, and why you must differentiate between your work environments no matter where you physically are.

Whether working in a work environment or in your home, the most powerful thing you can do is to get out of bed at the same time every day, get some exercise, and be clear on what you need to achieve that day. You’ve got to be in charge of getting the work done.

You need to understand the power of the environments you create. I’ll outline ways to put yourself into a mindset for work wherever you’re working from, structure the way you work, and function inside of the digital environment as you normally would in the real world.

Create a winning routine now around what’s critically important to you and it will set you up for the future. Master that routine and, no matter what else changes in your working environments, you can keep on making the magic happen.

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