Market share: The ultimate measurement

Whether it’s listings or sales, market share is the ultimate measurement, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about winning the market by having market share on both.
I’m seeing new brands emerging everywhere because everything has changed. Winning is all about being able to adapt, and right now you need to stay focused on all aspects of prospecting.
It’s actually okay if you’ve taken this as an opportunity for a bit of time off to rest. But now we’re back in and making things happen, and it’s what you do now about getting listings that will determine whether your business thrives or even survives.
We don’t know yet what the economic impact of this crisis is going to be, but this is the time to help your clients make transactions before the storm hits. Use your market share as the ultimate measurement for building momentum that will carry you into the next era.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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