Why Increasing Fees Brings Market Share

How much time do you spend in determining pricing for your services? In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how increasing fees brings market share and show you the massive bearing that your pricing structure has on your profits.

Simply presenting your fees in better ways allows you to earn more for doing the same work you’re doing now. Most agents base their fees around what the competition is doing, but if only one agency can be the cheapest and it’s not going to be yours, then how are you going to win?

I’ll tell you why cost, quality and speed are all critically important, and how to make sure your customer knows exactly what you can do for them. But first, you have to understand what it is you’re offering and how to price for that value.

You know the customer will question your fees, so I’ll give you some dialogue to bring the objection up first yourself and explain why your services present them with the best value. Present the numbers and specify the services you provide. This is how you’ll charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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