Driving your Competitive Nature

Sometimes it’s your competitors who actually get you to step up. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how driving your competitive nature helps you to play at your best and be a great agent.

You know you rise to a higher level in those moments when you’re in direct competition with another agent. What if you could always be at that level? I’ll show you how to build and use your natural competitive nature by focusing on what you do for the customer.

Everything you do needs to lead to a great customer experience. This is how you differentiate yourself from other agents and win the business. I’ll explain the importance of responsiveness and why it’s so important to customers.

We’ll also talk about driving your competitive nature as an internal competition with yourself, and not letting the fear of what your competition is doing paralyse you. Stay focused on the customer and get the basics right, and your business will scale.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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