Driving Urgency in Non-Competitive Markets

One of your jobs as an agent is driving urgency in non-competitive markets. My Coaching Tip this week will help you see where and how you can create competition under any market conditions because you won’t always have lots of people at every open home.

One key way to drive competition is to get buyers to the home during a photo appointment. I’ll show you how this sets the stage for compression selling. You could also have a second buyer show up to each buyer appointment to build an even higher sense of urgency.

It’s handy to have a tape measure with you so buyers can see on the spot whether their appliances and furniture will fit. Getting them engaged in the logistics this way moves you closer to making the deal.

I’ll explain the importance of understanding the buyer’s level of urgency to leverage negotiations, why off-market is everything you do apart from launching a property, and how to get the right buyers in and set the right price to sell the property as soon as you launch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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