
You don’t need a big database, but you do have to use that data to be a great agent. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll introduce you to the databaser concept and show you how to mine listings, sales and referrals that will generate leads for the rest of your career.

Everyone you enter into your database is a relationship to be nurtured. I’ll tell you why it’s important to call people from your buyer/sellers category every day and give you winning dialogue for those calls.

Your next major category is market appraisals. Every time you see a listing or sale, you need to call these people. I’ll explain why your database needs to include a mapping component so you can match those listings with the right people.

Every single past client of yours is a massive opportunity. I’ll tell you how to communicate with relevance, frequency and consistency towards building and maintaining those relationships. Do the work, and you’ll bring your future forward to today.

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