Capacity with buyers

Great agents are using technology to help them serve more customers more often. In This Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to manage capacity with buyers, from the open for inspection to the moment they’re ready to buy. 

It’s not humanly possible for you to speak with every person who comes into an open for inspection. I’ll show you how to shift your dialogue so you can help the buyer in a better way and quickly get the information you need most. 

I’ll talk about digital systems that allow you to manage more buyers, present quality online content, and track what consumers are doing at a digital level. You can also track when they’re about to move into the offline environment.

In every campaign, you’ll meet buyers to add to your buyer hit list and I’ll tell you how to spot them. It’s important that you build your systems for capacity with buyers so you can keep track of where consumers are and be there for them when they make the decision to buy.

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