Branding Versus Conversion Campaigns

Two definitive things are happening on the inside of your business around marketing campaigns. In my Coaching Tip this week we’re going to discuss the roles of branding versus conversion campaigns, and why you should favour conversion over branding.

Branding is what you do to raise awareness around what it is that you do, but it offers no measurable results. Conversion, on the other hand, does produce measurable results from doing a specific thing and then evaluating the actions that come of it.

You can build the best branding possible and consumers still may not connect with it. To be really good you need to focus on conversion, so I’ll outline what a conversion campaign is and give a detailed example of how a campaign works.

One of the easiest ways to think about conversion is to compare it with an open for inspection, and I’ll step you through the measurable outcomes and results of that model.

The value of branding versus conversion campaigns really comes down to the quality of relationships. If you’re not focused on conversions then you’re not doing the work to determine who your customer is so that you can be relevant to them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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