Brand story: the power of key numbers

It’s all about the brand, but inside of the organisations I work with no one actually understands the attributes of their brand. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about your brand story and the power of key numbers you should know. 

Your brand story is the unique selling proposition you offer to the customer. It’s your USP that tells them the things that make you You and why they should choose you. Part of that is knowing the key stats that show the power you have inside of your marketplace.

I’ll list some of the key numbers you need to know at a brand level and explain how to adapt those numbers to drive your pitch during the listing presentation. Your team needs consistent brand reinforcement, not just a once-per-quarter coaching session.

As a leader, you need to present your statistics regularly and help your people understand what it is your organisation does. Know your brand story and employ the power of key numbers so you can grow your people and pitch your brand. Do it now and you’ll become truly great.

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