Automation: the future of client meetings

What can we learn from other industries about using the digital environment as real estate agents? In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about the powerful role of automation in the future of client meetings, and how this technology creates greater opportunities.

Think about what you’re doing right now to maintain relationships with past clients. I’ll give you some examples of things you can do and phone dialogue you can use. The key is execution, and I’ll show you how automation can help you do that.

I’ll give you a step by step guide to how automation works and how it can keep you on track. With the right digital tools you’ll never forget who you need to contact and when they need to hear from you. This is how you fundamentally change the game.

You’ll learn how to use technology like Zoom and QR codes in new and powerful ways, and to think differently about how to work with your clients. You’ll see why automation is the future of client meetings because everything you need just happens, and it’s convenient for your clients, too.

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