What Would It Be Like To Be Your Customer?

Today let’s get a new perspective on the way you do business by thinking about what it’s like to be your customer. You already know how you go about your daily routine and what that’s like for you. How does your average client experience your brand? Your marketing approach represents you, and determines how your […]

Strategies for 2015

It’s the beginning of a new year and that means it’s time to set your strategic direction for building your business over the next 12 months. Knowing what is really important from the start will help you stay on track with whatever happens in 2015. A great place to start planning is with the Big […]

Getting Over Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty and Financial Pressure

In your daily business you will encounter many distractions that threaten to put you off track. The worst of these are based in fear, doubt, uncertainty and financial pressure. The good news is, all of that is completely under your control. Taking control of distractions does not mean you will never face them, but that […]

Geography vs Relationship based prospecting

Click here to watch on YouTube. If your approach to prospecting is not yielding the results you require then you may need to expand your focus. There are two kinds of prospecting in real estate. Geographic-based prospecting is also known as prospecting farm areas. You basically draw a circle on a map and market to […]

What To Do If You’re Starting Out

Click here to watch on YouTube. If you’re just starting out, welcome to real estate. If you’ve been here awhile, try to remember how you felt when you were new to the business so you can lend a hand. Following are a few core ideas and insights to help you get going in the right […]


Click here to watch on YouTube. Every business has its own culture, including yours. This culture is shaped by the people who work for you, but you ultimately define whether your business runs on positive or negative energy. First you need to determine what your current business culture is like. Notice how people enter the […]