Routine sets you free

Now more than ever before you’ve got to commit to a routine, because that’s how you become a success. I’m going to show you how routine sets you free in my Coaching Tip this week, beginning with simple things that work in powerful ways.

Your routine begins with going to bed early, getting up early, getting exercise, and eating well and on schedule. With that in place you can be confident and intentional about doing the best work you can today and moving yourself forward.

I’ll give you tips for setting and committing to times for specific tasks. Having a winning routine puts you in the right mindset to ignore distractions and stay focused. We’ll talk about how to have more good days than bad, and the importance of the last 10% of the call.

Routine sets you free, but you have to do it every day. It’s easy to get itchy and procrastinate or get off track, but the focus for what you choose to do is simple: Will this or won’t this make you the agent you want to be? That’s the simplicity of routine.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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