The Customer Base

It’s the dirtiest word in the real estate industry: Database. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you why you need to start thinking of it as your customer base because right now these are the people you need to be connecting with.

There are three groups of people you need to be working and the first is Inquiries: people who’ve inquired about properties, been through opens, and had private appointments. Get on the phone and find out where they’re at today. I’ll give you the dialogue, you do the rest.

The second group is Market Appraisals. This point in time really has people reflecting on where they’re at in life and what they want to do going forward. Right now you can have a quality conversation with them about their plans for the future.

Last and most important is Past Clients. This is the customer base you need to do annual checkups with, and I’ll give you the dialogue for this important conversation, too. Make these connections now, because this is the greatest time ever for you to reimagine and rebuild your business from scratch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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