Wealth Creation

What do you really want to create in this one wild life that you’ve got? In my Coaching Tip this week we’re talking about wealth creation and that’s what you’re here for, what success looks like, and how you’ll know when you’ve achieved it.

The reality is, there’s no ceiling to what you can earn in this industry, but there’s also no floor. It’s not about the hours you spend – it’s the skill you bring to listing and selling that gets you the income you need.

I’ll talk about how to get long-term perspective on what’s really important. As a great agent, buying property is the way you begin to work on your own long-term wealth creation.
It’s about buying into the business you work in and owning income producing assets.

I believe it’s a real travesty for an agent who gives real estate advice to clients every day to have never purchased property themselves. I’ll tell you how my own experience buying investment properties has made a difference in my career success from the start.

The importance of wealth creation is that when you have backup cash you have more choices and few worries towards making those critical investments. I’ll tell you how to get started and then you’ll be on your way to building a bigger future for you and your family.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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