You’ve got to be ready, set, go.

This is the kind of mindset as we move into January that will really make all of the activity happen. Prospecting in January is one of the best things you can do on the inside of your business as there are a lot of people who love speaking to real estate agents at this time of the year.  And why is that?  Well they’ve just spent two or three weeks with their family in pretty closed environments over that Christmas/New Year period, and they’re ready to start talking about the future and the things that they’re going to be doing this year.

Right now there’s two critical things that you should be focusing on.  Number one is actually going through all of your existing stock and getting it really saleble and in the marketplace.

Start your Open For Inspections as early as you can so you’ve got lots of opportunity to be meeting neighbours, potential sellers, past market appraisals and clients that we know in and around each of those homes.

It is also important to start to build that momentum in the marketplace with your Open For Inspection boards, For Sale boards, etc. letting people know that you’re open for business.  It’s also a great time to increase all of your advertising in the newspapers.

Remember, the more people you meet now, the more potential sellers you’re going to find to be able to release them for February and March this year.

The second thing that I like to get people doing at this time of the year is to really focus on your prospecting.  And there’s two critical groups of people to focus on. One is all of the buyers that have been coming through your Open For Inspections late last year.  These buyers are particularly important.

The second key group of people that I’d like you to call is all of your past market appraisals.  Anyone that you’ve spoken to during the course of 2012 who was thinking about putting their property on the market is a fantastic hit list for you to be getting on the phone and speaking to.

This time of year is a fantastic time in the real estate industry.  People are really relaxed, there’s really good energy, and you can stay focused in the work. One of the key things is to start to think about doing consistent call sessions every single day on the inside of your business.

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