Your Role As a Leader

Most people in leadership roles are focused on managing the change that happens to them. Your role as a leader should be to create the change you want to see. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll coach you on removing the fear inside of your organisation and building your people to confidence.

By using change leadership rather than change management you build confidence in your people through training them in the specific skills they require to get better at what they do. Perform a skill gap analysis to determine which new systems you need to put in place. Getting those systems right will change the way people operate and give them more confidence in what they’re doing.

One of the best ways I’ve found to provide guidance to my people is to meet with them one-on-one as needed to offer praise or guidance. Set up a learning development plan to teach the best ways to perform even simple procedures like how to take an offer, what to do in a multiple office scenario, how to negotiate post-auction, or how to book an appointment during an open for inspection callback. Offer them clear methodologies around asking the right questions to get the information they need.

Just telling someone that what they’re doing is wrong doesn’t help them. That approach builds fear inside of your organisation. Your role as a leader is to build confidence and clarity for your people. You do this by providing training for new skills and capabilities and helping them learn by going through processes. The more mistakes people are allowed to experience, the quicker they learn to achieve success because that’s how we all come to really understand what it is that we do.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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