Why What You’re Doing Isn’t Working

Too much training from too many sources can actually confuse your methodology. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you why what you’re doing isn’t working using examples of mistakes I see too many agents make and show you how to discover what will work for you.

If you want to make a lot of money as an agent, you have to learn to play to your strengths. This is something most agents are completely missing, and I’ll illustrate with strategies for maintaining relationships with past clients, which most agents don’t do.

I’ll introduce you to the idea of strategy – measurement – adjust, and how those elements work together step-by-step. You may have a great strategy, but if there are no active measurements for it then you can’t make the adjustments needed to really make it work.

The reality is that business has not changed. Each well-served customer still leads you to your next customer. The reason why what you’re doing isn’t working is that you’re not focused on the right strategy. Find your best strategy by measuring results and making adjustments that will allow you to win and keep winning.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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