Why Are You Not Reaching Your Goals?

You’ve set goals for your business, but somehow you’re not reaching them. Why? You don’t have a system, and that’s the key. But how do you build a system?

First, let’s define it. A system is a process that reliably achieves a desired outcome. That process can be broken down into 3 stages: cue, action, and result.

A cue is an element that prompts you to take a necessary action towards reaching your goal. Taking that action will get you to the result you want. The purpose of the system is to get the results you need to reach your goal. Your system will likely have several sub-systems that incrementally move you toward your ultimate goal.

Here’s an example: You get to your office and see your call list for the day on your desk. The call list is your cue. Your next step is to pick up the phone and take action — start making those calls. The call session results in bookings. That series of events is a system. It’s the same as waking up and seeing your workout gear laid out for you, which cues you to get dressed and go work out, which results in high energy and confidence for the day ahead. Following these systems guarantees progress toward your goals.

To build your system, first identify your daily tasks and create systems to accomplish them. Your next vital element is to schedule those systems for specific times each day. You will quickly discover that your overall system is integrated and tasks are interdependent. For example, if you want to get up earlier then you have to go to bed earlier the night before.

Systems also require preparation, such as outlining what you’re going to cover in your morning directions meeting so that time will be productive. Everything gets covered and everyone leaves knowing what they are expected to accomplish. Create a meeting agenda and post those tasks to a shared calendar, and everyone can stay on track.

The better your systems are, the more clarity you will have. Clarity is vital to reaching your goals, short term as well as long term. Work on setting up cues and acting on them, and you will get the results you need. It’s that simple.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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