What’s Ahead For 2019

The new year is a great period where incredible agents make even more money. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you a forecast of what’s ahead for 2019 with tips for navigating through these first months. The most important part is that you start thinking now about getting plenty of listings on for next year.

April will be a big month with Good Friday, Easter, Anzac day – and my birthday – all within a 9-day timeframe. You won’t be launching campaigns around auctions or opens during that period. There are also Super Saturdays ahead, and an election in March or May.

To get ahead of these slow months you’ll want to finish earlier and come back earlier. There are only 6 or 7 quality auction weekends in the first quarter of the year, and you need to write good numbers in January and February ahead of the upcoming elections.

If you don’t have momentum in January it will be 6 months before you can really get going. That’s half your year gone. Get those listings in place now and begin selling before January so you’ve got momentum through February and a good start on the year.

By planning ahead you’ll know exactly what to do to get the transactions you need to be able to write the income and get the results. There will be opportunities around expired listings, so re-sign those agency agreements and avoid losing your own listings to expires.

Don’t let yourself be swept away by market conditions you didn’t see coming. Knowing what’s ahead for 2019 will put you in a position to get the listings and get the sales from the start.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next year.

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