What To Do If You’re Off Track

Everybody comes off track sometimes, so it’s critical that you learn how to snap back and keep going. In my Coaching Tip today I’m giving you some tips and tricks for what to do if you’re off track that really work.

You don’t lose momentum for no reason, so the first thing is to identify what happened. It’s usually something completely under your control that affects your energy, from diet, exercise or sleep to not having a routine. Maybe you’ve lost sight of your “why” or you’re just not feeling very effective.

“Feeling” is a key word because it’s emotion that throws you off, so it’s good to understand that you can change the way you feel. One of the best ways to keep emotions from ruling your life is routine.

Following a routine removes thinking and feeling from action. It becomes automatic for you to do the things you need to. Set up a routine using the cue – action – result method. For example, have a call list waiting when you arrive at the office as a cue to make those calls immediately. The result is appointments you then go meet.

Measuring and managing what you do is basic, but the key is to only measure what really matters. Don’t obsess over every step of each task, just track your results. Your most important number is bookings and getting in front of the customer every day. Keep it simple and focus on that.

Often there are only a few things making you feel overwhelmed. Write down all the things that make you feel pressured. If you can see them you can deal with them one by one. Also make sure you are on schedule and getting set tasks done on time. Take note if something isn’t working, look at how you’re doing it and correct that action quickly.

It’s equally important to make sure you’re not trying to do too much in too little time. Maintain high energy by allowing for the time each task requires to do quality work and present at your best to each client.

Nothing is more motivational than successful results. You achieve those by knowing what to do when you’re off track and attending to the work that matters. The more you accomplish the better you will feel about your business and yourself.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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