What drives your people?

The secret to building a quality business is in knowing what drives your people. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month we’ll look at why you need to take care of your people and understand why they’ve chosen to work inside of your organisation.

Your first challenge is in creating an environment for success. People join your firm because they’re looking for someone who can offer a vision that inspires them, an environment that supports them, and a place where they can be successful as real estate agents.

As a director, your job is to set that environment up and to do that you have to know those fundamental drivers. Whether your people want a great family life, or asset accumulation, or a Hawaiian vacation, work needs to be meaningful and people need to love what they do.

You can add fuel to that fire with regular reminders to keep them clear about their vision, like, “People who go to Hawaii make phone calls. They book appointments and they get listings. People who go to Hawaii make sales.” Give them that nudge as needed because this action leads to that result, and that gets you what you want.

When you’re energetic about what you do and you love to help your people, then you change as a director. You need to look after your people. Get clear about what drives them and remind them of it daily. By helping them take action and get the results they want to achieve, they, in turn, help you to achieve what you want as a business owner.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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