What Do You Measure Yourself By?

Really growing your business is about focusing on measuring just one or two key things. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you what to do to get that growth you’re capable of. Let’s begin with this simple question: What do you measure yourself by?

In Phil Knight’s book, The Shoe Dog, he says, “You measure yourself by the number of people that measure themselves by you.” That means being a role model inside of your industry. A lot of agents are set on increasing income for short-term gratification. They want to look successful on Instagram and build that image of affluence when they should be building their true net wealth. The conditions of the day won’t always be as great as they have been the last five to six years.

To be a great agent you need that level of stability that ensures you know how to adapt regardless of market conditions. That’s why you need to measure yourself the right way, and the best benchmark is the number of appointments in your diary every week. In my training sessions I teach the 3/15/60 method:

Book 3 appointments every day, which gives you 15 appointments a week for a minimum of 60 appointments for the month.

The other number you can track on is your open for inspections every Saturday. Five to six opens each week gets you three to four listings and sales each and every month. And that income will put you in the position to put on your first assistant.

There’s a system and a formula for everything in your business. If you haven’t achieved the level of growth you want then get focused and put better systems in play. One of the best ways to learn those systems and to get clear on what you measure yourself by is through training at our Master Class Programs and the Josh Phegan Membership. Start measuring those key things you must have so you can fully live out your potential.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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