Can you deal with success?

One day soon your business is going to take off in a big way, and you’re probably not ready. That sudden rapid expansion in your business will either carry you or bury you. What do you do when you get really successful? In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to prepare for that next level of success.

Building capacity allows you to do more with less. The 3 core activities you must dial in are your fitness, your systems and your people.

Fitness is not just about going to the gym. It’s about your business fitness: prospecting, listing, sales, and everything in between. Systems are structured teachable processes that keep your business on track and productive. And it all ultimately depends on your people being better than you are at the tasks you need them to perform so that you can stay focused on your own work that’s most important.

When you think of putting on an assistant you know you want someone who can handle things like scheduling and emails, but there’s more to it than administrative tasks. This person will represent you and your brand to your customers, so you want someone with a high level of maturity and capability. Those qualities will not come cheap, but they will make an invaluable difference to your success. As you build your team you’ll want to hire people who can scale with your growth and add to your capacity.

Keeping your team current and aware of special challenges you face will help them help you. To make sure everyone in your business stays focused and on track, schedule a daily directions meeting. There are 5 key questions to address each morning:
1. Where are the biggest opportunities?
2. What are the next 5 deals?
3. Who are the top 5 people to go after?
4. What one action will give us the most leverage?
5. What didn’t get done yesterday that must be done today?

No matter how much new business you’re generating, prospecting is still your most important task. Let your team do their jobs for you so you can keep yourself focused and energized. Make sure you’re working in 45-minute sessions, prospect in the mornings, meet appointments in the afternoons, and stay consistent with your commitments. You’ll set a good example, and be the agent your clients and your team want to work with.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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