What defines you? Great definition for real world purpose

When you’re not doing real estate, what do you do? In this Coaching Tip I’ll help you think about what really defines you and why it’s so important that you know what your real world purpose is.

This is not about your career. What I’m talking about is your other pursuits, your hobbies, the things you like to do outside of work. I’ll give you examples of those interests and activities that define you and show what you’re really all about.

The things you enjoy are the exciting, energising parts of your life. It’s important to identify those pursuits so you can do them when it’s time to take a break and enjoy yourself. These are the things that really help you be at your best.

It’s energy and passion that makes you a great agent. Knowing what defines you and feeling your real world purpose is the secret to success. I’ll help you remove the distractions, and get clear about your goals and what you really want so you can go there.

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