What Are You Building?

As an agent, everything you do is about building a great business and capitalising on what you’ve already done. But what are you building, really? In my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you see what you’re already doing and where you can go from there.

In my coaching work I see lots of agents who have been in business for years and still don’t see the opportunities they have sitting in their databases. Your database is a repository of relationships, not just names and numbers. Everybody you know, or have ever known, should be in there. And you should be active and current with all of those relationships. It’s important to add new contacts to your database, but even more vital to work with those people you already know.

Too many agents are focused solely on transactions and are missing their best leads, referrals and future business. Learn about your clients: where they live, what their life situations are, and how things are changing in their lives. Not only does this foster great relationships, it also helps you provide the information they need when they’re ready to buy or sell properties. It positions you as their trusted advisor, and it makes you a better agent.

Understand that you’re building momentum by building your database and using it to create productive call lists. Use your filters and categories to target market appraisals, sellers, and especially past clients who are your key referrers. You’re building your numbers and measuring results. Then you’re building in improvements to your prospecting and marketing. And that’s how you build your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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