The Power of Routine

Having a daily routine and following it establishes the consistency and accountability necessary for you to be successful in your business. Build a good routine and everything you do each day will get results.

To structure your daily routine, first establish a time to wake up in the morning and the time you go to sleep at night. Once you know that, then you know how many productive hours you have in your day. Your next step is to prioritize your most important tasks, starting with prospecting. Whether you arrive at 9:00 am or 4:00 am, your main priority when you get to your office will be to get on the phone and start calling people as soon as you know they are awake. Around that, look at what is happening in the marketplace, especially new listings and sales. This will help you direct your prospecting for greater results. Also think in terms of scheduling up to three 45 minute call sessions per day, and set a target for yourself – say 16 to 24 calls resulting in 8 to 12 connections and 1 to 3 appointments.

You should also have a structure for your phone calls that addresses the three things your prospects will want to know:

Who are you?
Why are you calling them?
What can you do for them?

Address these questions directly and you will have their attention, because you will be speaking to them from their point of view.

Having a routine includes scheduling around work to meet all your daily personal needs. Set a time for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and make sure you honor those times because you require rest and fuel at intervals in order to stay sharp and on top of your work. Also maintain an exercise regimen, because you really do need to be fit and strong to do your best work. Remember, too, that regular exercise helps keep your stress level low.

You should also plan a weekly schedule and devote each day to a specific task around prospecting. For example, Mondays can be your day to do open for inspection callbacks. Tuesday, concentrate on calling potential sellers. Wednesdays do your 10-day callbacks. Thursdays, call past clients. And Fridays, focus on calling buyers about upcoming auctions and opens. With all of your work scheduled you will find you don’t have to waste time and energy juggling tasks and thinking about what needs to be done next.

One more significant reward for planning a routine, sticking to it, and working with greater intensity is that when you do go on holiday, you get an 8 to 10 week holiday, and you won’t need to think about work the entire time you are off. Because you follow a well-planned and balanced routine everything has been taken care of, so you can relax and enjoy your well-deserved vacation knowing your business is solid.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

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