Is the Vision Big Enough?

If you’re going to build a thriving business, you have to have a vision for it that inspires you. If your goals are too small there’s nothing rewarding to work towards. And if your thinking is too limited you won’t be ready for growth when it happens. Growth without planning will bury you.

Start by deciding what you really want to achieve, and then plan for it in detail. Don’t limit yourself to what I call “version one thinking” which is basically one office and minimal fees. Is that really all you want out of your business? It’s much more exciting to stretch yourself to a higher expectation for the future. Instead of 2 salespeople, how about 200? Do you want to manage 60 properties or 6000? Think beyond your current marketplace – what kinds of opportunities could you realize from a much larger market?

Not only does thinking small keep you from gaining more satisfaction from your business, it also prevents you from managing your infrastructure for growth. You will be playing catch-up instead of staying ahead of the curve, and that will destroy you. All of your income will be tied up in expansion you did not expect, and you will have no real profits. However, if you set a five-year plan for larger office spaces, multiple offices, more agents, better marketing, and other essentials, then you can budget for all that ahead of time. Knowing the numbers you need to reach in five years will help you set goals for the current numbers you need to see each month, and make the right decisions right now.

You can’t rely upon passively accepting random opportunities. You have to decide to go after a higher level of success. Actively seek and create opportunities for your business according to a structure that you build and control. Define the steps you must take, and get a business coach to show you how to build momentum and maintain it. Most of all, you must base your actions on a greater vision that you feel passionate about.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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