Vendor Work and Reporting

As your vendor’s agent, your job is to take control, help them make the right decisions and get their properties sold. In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about the vendor work and vendor reporting that will help you get the best results for your owners.

Understand that this is probably the first time your vendor has been on market for some time. This may even be the first time they’ve sold a property. Your simple, reliable communication and recommendations will make a massive difference with them during the offer and acceptance process. You’ll set expectations during the listing presentation, but you must be willing to go back in to reposition the property if necessary.

Advise and educate your clients around current properties on the market, sale prices and buyer expectations. Advocate for the best method of sale to maximise the sale price for your client, whether auction, for sale or off-market. Speak to every single one of your owners every business day. Avoid long days on market by positioning properties to be seen as the best value in their price range. And don’t lose enthusiasm or make excuses if it doesn’t sell quickly. Your client needs you to really work with them – stay present and consistent with communication and advice.

I can’t stress enough the importance of good quality vendor work and vendor reporting. What’s really important is that you’re clear about your specific recommendations for marketing, sale method, pricing, timing, and approach to working with buyers. Be firm in getting them to make a decision when it has to be done in order to get their properties sold.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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